Presidents’ Corner, March 2013

by Ozark Mountain Paddlers on March 22, 2013

Okay, so we’re not doing the newsletter anymore in an effort to cut down on, well, effort.  But things sometimes run through my head that just need to be said.  And since I recently learned WordPress (which is how this site is built and runs), I am now quite dangerous (or at least mildly annoying).  So this is where my thoughts will sometimes flow.  It may not be a flood, but hopefully it won’t be a drought, either.  So put a stick at the water’s edge, get comfortable and have a beer.  Things, they be a changin’.

As of today, March 22nd, we have 100 OMP members.  Our numbers run up and down alot, it seems, but you gotta remember we’re just a bunch of river rats and sometimes we forget to pay our dues on time.  Or even for years (Chris Torrisi).  Hell, I was elected President this past year without being a member.  (I’ve since been shaken down for my dues and am currently a member in good standing.  Whatever that means.)  So if you’re a new member, welcome.  We look forward to paddling with you!

One of our newest members is a gentleman by the name of Daryl Tumbleson.  I don’t regularly call out new members, but Daryl sticks in my head because he runs an online gear store called Campacopia out of his garage in Marshfield, MO.  He and his wife, Judy, just recently moved up here from Texas, where he was a member of a group called the “Dallas Downriver Club”, of which I was a member many years ago.  I even have a pink throwrope that I won at a raffle from that group.  (Don’t judge me, it was red at the time and it was free.)  Check out his website at  He has lots of cool gear, video reviews and can even deliver your purchases to our monthly meetings.

Well, that’s the news from the gravelbar.  See you down the river.


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